In the police department, it was a struggle to be Black, and at home, it was a struggle to be blue

A man in a blue T-shirt and raised arms faces another man who has a confederate flag draped around his shoulders. On the side, an officer in a baseball cap is looking at the two men, and another officer is on the other side. A woman’s back is in the frame as well.
After the Ku Klux Klan rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on July 8, 2017, a friend sent Regine Wright a photograph they found on social media. Wright (the officer on the left) remembers the scene. The counter-protester asked why she was helping the KKK. “I told him that I wasn’t there for the KKK, I was there to keep him safe and out of trouble,” Wright writes.

Read the story on the  Charlottesville Tomorrow website.